Special Services
Red Lake Public Schools is committed to meeting the individual learning needs of students by offering a variety of learning & support services for all students.
The school district is working to implement a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework for both social-emotional learning and academics. The MTSS framework serves to ensure equitable services and supports to students based on their level of need.
The MTSS includes strong Tier 1 / Universal instruction and support combined with Tier 2 / Targeted Small Group supports and Tier 3 / Individualized supports for students who need additional support. Special services including special education and related services can be accessed by students in either the classroom, a tutoring/resource center, or a specialized class. The district provides Individualized Educational Plans for students who meet eligibility standards in Minnesota and Section 504 Plans for students who meet Federal eligibility standards.
The Special Services page includes information about the district's MTSS framework as well as special education and related services for both staff and families.

Destruction of Special Education Records
Consistent with the school district's general records retention schedule, Red Lake School District will be destroying special education records created for the following students on July 1st, 2024:
Graduated or left the district before September 1st, 2017
Birthdate before September 1st, 1999 (25 years old or older)
If you would like to retain a copy of your special education records, please notify Dr. Dustin Hinckley, Director of Special Services, by calling (218) 679-1710 or by e-mailing dhinckley@redlake.k12.mn.us before June 15th, 2024.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Framework

The Basics of MTSS
Pre-Referral Intervention Process
Individualization of Supports and Interventions for Growth through High-quality Teaching (InSIGHT)
InSIGHT Documents
Appendix A - Documentation and Referral Form
Appendix B - Student Problem Solving Worksheet
Appendix C - Fidelity Checklist and Progress Monitoring Form
Intervention Resources
Special Education
Disability Resources
Autism Resources