Senior Pictures will be on Wednesday, March 23rd and Thursday, March 24th. You can sign up on the sign-up sheet outside of Mrs. Ketterling’s room or call Jody at ext. 1179 to set up a time. Jody will also be stopping by Advisory classrooms on Wednesday morning to set up times if you haven’t already set one up.
almost 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
SENIOR Yearbook Photos!! Bob from Image will be at the Secondary Complex on Wednesday the 23rd and Thursday the 24th to take Senior Pics. There is no cost to take pictures. You can order packages later. Bob will send us a picture for the yearbook. Bring a change of clothes or a prop if you want to. Sign up for times will start on Monday. See Jody if you have questions or call 679-2700 ext. 1177.
almost 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
Good Evening this is Superintendent Crowley, This is an announcement for Red Lake School District. Today at the board meeting the Red Lake School Board voted 6-0 to make masking voluntary in the district. Students and staff will have the choice to wear masks or not during the school day or at school functions. Also, this is a reminder that we are approaching the time of year where our side/gravel roads become quite wet and make it impossible for school busses to travel down them without getting stuck or causing damage to the roads. Please contact the transportation department if you have a concern about the roads leading to your home. The transportation department is making every effort to call families to arrange alternative pick-up spots for students living on roads that are not drivable for the busses. This will be the situation for approximately a month or more until the snow melts and the roads dry up. Miigwech for your understanding. Have a great evening & take care. Mindy (Melinda) Crowley
almost 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
If you are on track for graduation and would like the opportunity to participate in Post-Secondary Enrollment (PSEO) during the 2022-2023 school year, please reach out to Melissa Phillips 6-12 Academic Dean to learn more about the process. Most of our students that choose to attend college courses while still in high school, attend Red Lake Nation College. These students can earn BOTH HS and college credit. Please note that your signed paperwork must be brought in no later than May 30, 2022! For more information visit:
almost 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
Good Morning! Red Lake School District is calling an early release starting at 2 o’clock in the afternoon to facilitate fans traveling to the girls basketball game in Hawley tonight. Let’s hear it for our Lady Warriors!
almost 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
The new and improved salad bar is back in action in the Secondary Complex's Lunchroom! This salad bar has lots of available fruit, veggie, and healthy options to them right at lunch! Big thanks to our food department for bringing this back for our students.
almost 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
New and Improved Salad Bar
New and Improved Salad Bar
New and Improved Salad Bar
New and Improved Salad Bar
Mino-Anishinaabe-giiziswagad! November is Native American Heritage Month! Even though we are still on our pause from regular learning, we're inviting you to participate in these days at home! Be sure to share your pictures this week and tag @redlakesecondarycomplex!!
about 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
Mino-Anishinaabe-giiziswagad! (Native american heritage month) School events: 11/17: Rock your beadwork11/18 - rock your ribbon skirts/shirts 11/19: Rock your moccasins, beadwork and shirt/skirts! Contact Giniw with any questions. This week @RLSC: November is Native  American Heritage Month! Be sure to share your pictures this week and tag @redlakesecondarycomplex!!
Updated COVID-19 Numbers as of 11/9/21 at 4:00pm
over 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
COVID-19 Current Active Numbers Update. 54 positive cases as of 11/9/21 at 4:00pm. For the Ponemah School, where the total student count is 167, there are 11 positive cases and 15 close contacts. At Red Lake Elementary, where there are a total number of 697 students attending, there are 14 positive cases and 63 close contacts. At Red Lake Secondary Complex, where there are a total of 703 students attending, there are 17 positive cases and 9 close contacts. For district-wide staff (total staff members in the district is 358), there are 12 positive cases and 11 close contacts. There are 153 Total Red Lake Community Active Cases. The results are fluid and may be frequently changing.
COVID-19 Vaccines are available now for ages 5 & up!!
over 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
COVID-19 Vaccines ages 5 and up available now! Walk-in or by appointment. Monday thru Friday, from 8 am -3:30pm. Want an appointment? Call 679-0110 or 679-3912. We have YOUR COVID vaccine! Red Lake Hospital phone number: 679-3912 and Ponemah Clinic phone number 554-7333.
COVID-19 Current Active Numbers Update as of 11/4/21 at 4:00pm.
over 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
COVID-19 Current Active Numbers Update. 39 positive cases as of 11/5/21 at 4:00pm. For the Ponemah School, where the total student count is 167, there are 5 positive cases and 15 close contacts. At Red Lake Elementary, where there are a total number of 697 students attending, there are 12 positive cases and 80 close contacts. At Red Lake Secondary Complex, where there are a total of 703 students attending, there are 11 positive cases and 15 close contacts. For district-wide staff (total staff members in the district is 358), there are 11 positive cases and 10 close contacts. There are 137 Total Red Lake Community Active Cases. The results are fluid and may be frequently changing.
Day One of the Pause on In-Person Learning is underway. Is there anything you need? Comment below and let us know!
over 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
Pause on In Person Learning begins today. Is there anything you need? Our website is
Letter from Secondary Complex Principles Tracy Olson & Shelly Fredriksen; sent home with students on 11/5/21.
over 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
November 5, 2021  Dear Students and Families:  As Superintendent Crowley shared today, we will be doing a pause to in-person instruction from November 8 – November 24, 2021 (12 school days over the next 3 weeks).  Students will return to in-person instruction Monday, November 29th.    During this time:  •	Students/Families will be expected to:  1.  Attend each class meeting at the usual class start time to be counted present for attendance (this may be different in some special education or self-contained settings),  2. Complete tasks and assignments and turn them into the teacher as assigned, &  3. Seek and receive help as needed during school hours and from 3:30-5:00 in Online Homework Help.  •	Mainstream students in grades 6-12 may sign out a laptop for the two weeks, if the laptop form is signed.  Please call the school to come in and sign out a laptop.  •	Student work whether it is paper copies or online will have to be completed in a timely manner and submitted to the teachers in order to earn credit. Students also must check in with their teachers with the same frequency as they would if they were in person to be considered in attendance.  •	There is a plan for students to use the at home COVID-19 test before they return to in person instruction on the 29th of November. These COVID-19 tests will be distributed the week of the 22nd.  •	Parents can pick up food and pick up and drop off work at one of the designated locations below. Locations are based on the bus routes. For example, if your child rides bus #6 you would pick up the food and work on McKenzie Rd. If you have questions about what bus your students ride, please contact the Red Lake Bus Garage at 218-679-5249.  Meal Pickup Sites during In-person Learning Pause  Meals will be available at each site from 10:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m.  •	Redby Community Center Parking Lot for Bus # 1, 2, 3, 8 and 20  •	McKenzie Road for Bus # 6,7,18  •	Circle Pines for Bus # 21, 23, 28  •	Sliding Hill on Highway 89 for Bus #28, 29  •	Neptune for Bus# 24  •	Bemidji Paul Bunyan Mall parking lot for Bus #19  •	Old Store Parking Lot for Bus #4, 11  •	Boys and Girls Club for Bus #26  •	Ponemah School for Bus #13,17, and 27    Respectfully,    Shelly Fredriksen, 6-12 Maadaadiziwin Principal  Tracy Olson, 6-12 Bawaajigan Principal
What's Happening this Week @ Red Lake Secondary Complex!
over 3 years ago, Red Lake Schools
What's Happening This Week @ Red Lake Secondary Complex
Summer School information!
almost 4 years ago, Red Lake Schools
contact school for more info
Don't forget about our summer food program! See information below/more info in the news section
almost 4 years ago, Red Lake Schools
contact school for more info
IHS information
almost 4 years ago, Red Lake Schools
contact school for more info
If you've won an attendance incentive and haven't claimed your gift card yet, please check your Teams chat to claim it!
almost 4 years ago, Red Lake Secondary Complex
Upcoming Community Meeting
almost 4 years ago, Red Lake Schools
contact school for more info
Serenity May and Karen Guise enjoyed a beautiful day on the golf course. Congrats to Karen on making 2nd Team All-Conference.
almost 4 years ago, Red Lake Secondary Complex
Serenity May and Karen Guise enjoyed a beautiful day on the golf course.  Congrats to Karen on making 2nd Team All-Conference.
Serenity May and Karen Guise enjoyed a beautiful day on the golf course.  Congrats to Karen on making 2nd Team All-Conference.
Congrats Amad! Closest to the pin award taken home in Bigfork today
almost 4 years ago, Red Lake Secondary Complex
Congrats Amad! Closest to the pin award taken home in Bigfork today